All That She Is.
“To be whole. To be complete. Wilderness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.”
- Terry Tempest Williams
During a time of unparalleled separation from humanity, we turn to nature to remind us who we are.
Photography & Styling Tianna Gumbleton @justjayyne
Model Alessa Cerasani @quemodels
This shoot came to life by the salty waters of Lake Weyba on the traditional land of the Kabi Kabi people. The Kabi Kabi spoke of it as a “shadow or shady place”, and together, we got to play in their shadows.
“She carried magic secrets in her eyes and spent hours by the riverbank…”
- Arundhati Roy
This year, time has moved slower than ever & simultaneously faster than ever.
A hazy state of being for many of us.
Where do we escape our minds , our hopes, our dreams, if not for nature?

A region of chaos and moonlight.
She liked it there.

Photography & Styling Tianna Gumbleton @justjayyne
Model Alessa Cerasani @quemodels